What to do with our WG calendar

@Leo pointed this out in matrix. We currently have a combined WG calendar that people import - https://github.com/ansible/community/blob/main/meetings/README.md

Given that we want to move things to the forum - what’s the future for that calendar?

I created an agenda here for the Documentation WG (aka DaWGS). Thanks to @gwmngilfen it has a spiffy little calendar at the top, but it seems like a user would have to add each meeting to their personal calendar if they wanted to have it show up locally for them. And that doesn’t provide a combined calendar for say the community WG and devtools etc etc.

So is there some ‘easy’ way to get the same functionality here in the forum so we could deprecate that other github calendar?

I recall we talked about this.

I’m not sure if something changed, but here is the issue in github. It seems there are no news.

Also, we have @gwmngilfen comment on the topic in Discourse Meta.

Now that we are CDCK/Discourse customers, maybe we can try to get it prioritized as an RFE?

With that feature we could have a subcategory in Events for the Meetings and calendars for each as well as for the whole meeting subcategory.

We could also reach out to the Fedora team and ask if they would find it useful as well, so they support the RFE.

So yes, you can get the ICS for a single event, although it’s not consistent ([event] objects have both ICS and GCal options, [daterange] objects only do Gcal), but you can’t ICS a whole calendar (either from a topic or from a category)

I can chase CDCK about this, for sure. I’ve raised both that and the ability to filter/colour the calendar by tag/subcategory. Fedora and Ansible can see each other’s tickets, so we can ask their view too.

In short, I don’t think we can deprecate that link yet (nor should we, until we have critical mass here). However, I would suggest that as posts like Documentation Working Group Agenda are created, we update the ICS to link to them, so that people find the agenda for their groups. We should also make sure this goes on the new Project Onboarding doc @samccann is working on.


Any chance we can file a feature request? I’m not sure how to go about that. I suppose we could just file an issue upstream. :thinking:

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I’ve already posted my thoughts here and here and you’re welcome to go add your voice.

I’ll post to the enterprise support channel about it too.