Documentation Working Group Agenda


This meeting is open to everyone. Just click the meeting link in the calendar above, then click the pencil icon in the upper left to update the meeting agenda wiki with any additional items you want to discuss that are docs-related.

We discuss topics related to Ansible project documentation and the tooling that publishes that documentation to While the meeting at times goes deeply into some topics, we welcome newcomers and new contributors and are always willing to explain what we are discussing to help you follow along on the topics.

For those taking meeting minutes:

We now use the Matrix meeting bot. Start the meeting with

  1. !startmeeting Documentation Working Group aka DaWGs
  2. @room Meeting time! Who is here to talk the docs?

Then as you progress, use !topic to start each main topic below
Then use ^info to summarize what is discussed, and ^action for any action items proposed.

When the meeting is done:

  1. Find the meeting minutes autoposted to the Workflow and Logs category and adddocumentation tag.

We currently focus on the Ansible package and ansible-core releases, tracking the docs issues and PRs.


5 posts were split to a new topic: Creating a community docs meeting

DaWGs aka Documentation Working Group Agenda

Next DaWGs Meeting : 2023-08-22T15:00:00Z

NOTE: This agenda is editable. Click the little pencil icon in the upper right to add agenda items. We reuse this agenda wiki each week. Meeting summary and logs are here.

If you are new to running the meeting, see meeting hints for some hints and thanks!

  • review any docs-based action items from last week

New items:


Documentation updates

ongoing items:

Docs tooling (antsibull etc)

Open Floor

Edited a few things to tie the agenda to the calendar entries and made them repeat weekly. So we will have one agenda wiki, and edit it as needed for the upcoming meeting.


I like what youā€™ve done here! Since itā€™s recurring at the same time every week I donā€™t think it needs to be on the Events calendar, but having the agenda easily accessible is key, and this looks great.

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Iā€™ve added a meeting tag which may be useful for people searching, or for us to generate some kind of aggregate page.

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For those interested - the Discourse post on calendars like this - Discourse Calendar - plugin - Discourse Meta

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@felixfontein great to see you :slight_smile: - just so you know, you can edit the agenda directly (or should be able to!) as itā€™s set as a ā€œwiki postā€. Iā€™ve added your agenda item up there, just in case :muscle:

Since we are opening up the DaWGs meeting ā€˜chairā€™ role to community members, this is a quick cheatsheet on how we run the meeting.

Primary commands:
!startmeeting DaWGs aka Documentation Working Group

@room Meeting time! Who is here to talk the docs?

Raise your ascii hand (o/) to say hi or any other way you want to let us know you are here. And Welcome to any new folks!

General run of the meeting - We go over action items, give docs updatesā€¦ maybe have a topic or two, and go over doctooling updates (all the fun stuff behind the scenes that get us!)

official agenda at Documentation Working Group Agenda - #7 by samccann

From here, we set a new topic for major discussions or general updates that follow along the agenda above. We donā€™t always cover every item on the agenda - some of the ongoing items list are just reminders of unfinished work.

!topic Spiffy New Thing

Use ^info to add an entry into the meeting logs.
^info looking for feedback on Spiffy New Thing -

To end the meeting:

No need to update logs as that happens automatically now!