Namespace changed and collection upload not working

I am also having this issue.
Old namespace: scareyo
New namespace: scareyo0

I have the same issue :frowning:
Github: andreygubarev
Old namespace: andreygubarev
New namespace: andreygubarev0

Could you please update the permissions and grant me access to my namespace?

Hi @tannerjc,

I have the same issue with the 0 appended to my namespace.

Correct namespace: ripclawffb
New wrong namespace: ripclawffb0
GitHub username: ripclawffb

Also, for some reason, the helix_core collection doesn’t register the plugins or the when you view it under the ripclawffb namespace.

Thank you.

Hello there,

I’ve got also the same issue:

Correct namespace: jmsierra
New wrong namespace: jmsierra0
Github username: jmsierra

Many thanks!

Hi @tannerjc

Could you please do the same for me as well?
original (to keep and allow permissions): enmanuelmoreira
new (need to remove): enmanuelmoreira0

Hi @tannerjc
I have the same problem

Github: fitbeard
Correct namespace: fitbeard
Wrong namespace fitbeard0

Any chance to get this fixed? Right now new publishing new versions is impossible and I have to point users to use github instead:(

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I’ll do my best to do a round of cleanup today and check on the namespaces reported here and other threads so far.


Unfortunately I run into the same issue, in the old instance my personal namespace was wombelix, identical to my GitHub username, after login a couple of minutes ago in galaxy-ng i’ve got the new namespace wombelix0 instead my old/already existing one. I saw that this was (manually) fixed for other people in this thread, would be great if someone could help me out as well.

Hi @tannerjc

Could you please do the same for me as well?
original (to keep and allow permissions): torie_coding
new (need to remove): torie_coding0
Github user: Torie-Coding

Thank You :slight_smile:

I added ownership to the correct namespace and fixed the legacynamespace providers accordingly for this list of usernames …

[‘wombelix’, ‘Torie-Coding’, ‘fitbeard’, ‘enmanuelmoreira’, ‘jmsierra’, ‘ripclawffb’, ‘andreygubarev’, ‘scareyo’, ‘flowerysong’, ‘yoctoalex’, ‘lowlydba’]


Thank you @tannerjc !

Thanks a lot, I see my old namespace wombelix again assigned to me :slight_smile:

But the wombelix0 namespace also still shows up:

Shouldn’t that one be removed?

Hi, I took another look at the galaxy-ng role namespaces, and it looks like these namespaces belong to me. (DO1JLR (L3D) ¡ GitHub).

I have access to almost all my namespaces except 1856 (ansible-archive) and 1857 (chaos-bodensee).

In the old galaxy, I tried to migrate all roles to the l3d namespace, but that progress seems to have been completely lost. Since there was no good migration progress I was aware of, I created the ansible-archive github organisation, mapped the do1jlr namespace to it, and migrated role by role from the do1jlr namespace to the l3d namespace.
To be honest, I am not really sure how to proceed with the roles on ansible galaxy. @tannerjc, is there any roadmap or idea of what will happen to the roles on galaxy-ng?

On another topic, the opt-out of this AI lightspeed stuff is not working for the 1856, 1857 and 1858 namespaces. And with my current experience of the new galaxy-ng project, I definitely want to opt-out of projects that have the potential to be even worse. (And I don’t know anything about it, so it will be a no for now)

Hey, @tannerjc I have experienced the same namespace issue as well. Could you apply the fix to my namespace too?

GitHub username: scruffaluff
previous correct namespace: scruffaluff
new incorrect namespace: scruffaluff0

Thanks for the help!

Hi @tannerjc, I got the same issue with my user robin-checkmk.
Also, I got this issue on organization level, if you are able to help there as well: Lost access to namespace `checkmk` on galaxy-ng ¡ Issue #3270 ¡ ansible/galaxy ¡ GitHub
Thanks a ton!

Hello @tannerjc

Having the same problem.

The original namespace is keepersecurity.
New one is jwalstra_keeper

Company policy changed and I had to use this GitHub account for actual work, and had to rename it. Tried to do a release and got …

ERROR! Error when finding available api versions from default ([]( (HTTP Code: 403, Message: Forbidden)

Then regenerated the token and got.

ERROR! Error when publishing collection to default ( (HTTP Code: 403, Message: You do not have permission to perform this action. Code: permission_denied)

I’m the developer for this Ansible plugin, used to use the GitHub jsupun.


Hello @tannerjc , can you please revert my namespace to its old name also:

old: ashleyghooper
new: ashleyghooper0

Hi folks, I think i’ve taken care of all the namespace issues brought up in this thread. It’d be helpful for future request to be separate posts, as it’s getting difficult to keep track of this never ending post.

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Thank you, but my user DO1JLR is still unable to access these namespaces:

At least the three dots to opt out of Ansible Lightspeed do not appear.