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Previously we owned two namespaces ‘mondoolabs’ and ‘mondoo’. We claimed the namespace here Request mondoo namespace for ansible role · Issue #2905 · ansible/galaxy · GitHub and used this to publish our roles. At this point, we lost access to all namespaces with the NG update. In addition mondoo/client/ and mondoohq/client should not exist both.
We tried to re-generate the API token, but it has not worked…
during migration it created mondoohq.client and mondoo/client (before it was just one)
The preview image for mondoo/client/ is wrong, which let our users think it was hijacked. It seems that the reference to the git repo of mondoo/client was fixed since yesterday.
I still cannot push new role update , API token is not working
I cannot see my roles in the dashboard (not sure if this is intentional)
I also seemed to lose control of both my namespaces.
Edit: I do seem to have control of my existing roles, but no UI access for updating them. Is this CLI only now? There is a lot missing from the old UI that was fairly basic functionality. IMHO Galaxy NG should not have shipped without it.