Namespace changed and collection upload not working

As part of a release workflow, the newly built collection is published to galaxy but this step produces an error:

Run ansible-galaxy collection publish ./$NAMESPACE-$COLLECTION-$NEW_VERSION.tar.gz --api-key=***
  ansible-galaxy collection publish ./$NAMESPACE-$COLLECTION-$NEW_VERSION.tar.gz --api-key=***
  shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
    pythonLocation: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.5/x64
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.5/x64/lib
    NEW_VERSION: 2.1.14
    NAMESPACE: cloin
ERROR! Error when publishing collection to default ( (HTTP Code: 403, Message: You do not have permission to perform this action. Code: permission_denied)
Publishing collection artifact '/home/runner/work/cloin.eda/cloin.eda/cloin-eda-2.1.14.tar.gz' to default
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

I tried regenerating the token and it failed again.

Upon logging into galaxy and looking at my namespaces, I can see that my namespaces lists “cloin0” instead of “cloin”. “cloin0” is empty. If I navigate to the url for the “cloin” namespace, I see my published collections.

I’m guessing that my publish command fails because I now do not have permissions on the “cloin” namespace, only “cloin0” which I did not create.


Hi @galaxy team, I seem to recall this required some intervention on your side to fix. Can you take a look?

I’m having exactly the same problem.
Getting a 403 when publishing a collection, and I seem to have a new namespace with a “0” appended.

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@cloin We’ve deployed a patch that resolves the N namespace problem. I’ve also manually cleaned up your extra namespaces and fixed your account permissions. Please check again.


@hikari661 please share your github username, and I will look into the issue.


Hi @tannerjc
Failing tests; same as @cloin faced
Could you please do the same for me as well?
original (to keep and allow permissions): iamgini
new (need to remove): iamgini0

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Hi @tannerjc! I am having the same issue faced by others in this thread.

My original namespace is: borari
My newly auto-generated namespace is borari0

My first log in to Galaxy NG post-update was within the past 15 minutes.

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Looks like issue is still here. I can’t push anymore, but theres another clone of my account with 0 prefix that probably can (according to this topic). Not sure if I should post this but my left side keeps laughing that I am already locked out :sweat_smile:

Hi there, hikari661 should work. FWIW, just tested again, the problem still exists for me. Cheers.

Hi @tannerjc

Could you please do the same for me as well?
original (to keep and allow permissions): iamgini
new (need to remove): iamgini0

Hi @tannerjc

I have the same issue. My original namespace is:

The incorrectly created one is rezizter0

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Hi @tannerjc

I have the same issue with the 0 appended to my namespace.

Correct namespace: geoffreyvanwyk
New wrong namespace: geoffreyvanwyk0
GitHub username: geoffreyvanwyk

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Hi @tannerjc
I have the same problem

Github: saiello
Correct namespace: saiello
Wrong namespace saiello0

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Just as a note to anyone following this thread because they also posted in it with the same issue, I just checked my Galaxy NG account and my namespace is back to normal.


Hi @tannerjc , my account is still broken. Could you have a look?

FYI, I can publish to hikari6610 namespace, but would really like the original namespace back. Thanks.

Hi everyone. I believe I have fixed the issue for everyone who has commented in this thread.


@tannerjc thank you!

Hi @tannerjc, can you also take a look at my namespace - I can no longer publish updates to my collection in the old namespace:

Old namespace: lowlydba
New namespace: lowlydba0

Thank you!

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Hi @tannerjc I have the same problem. Could you please apply the fix for my namespace as well?

correct namespace: yoctoalex
wrong namespace: yoctoalex0

Thank you!

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I also have this issue. The only namespace that is showing for me is flowerysong0, and my real namespace has no owners.