Introduce yourself! (2023 edition)

Hi. I’m Olivier aka zeitounator. I work as an SRE for La Poste (french postal services) but I also have a (rather light currently…) freelance activity as a devSecOps expert.

I’m an Open Source enthousiast. I’ve been working with linux almost exclusively for 20++ years. I also (most of the time very lightly) contributed to a wide variety of FOSS including Ansible, Molecule and a gueerlingguy’s role. (zeitounator (Olivier Clavel) · GitHub)

I’m the Author of a not_yet_transformed_to_collection role (ansible-ThoTeam.nexus3-oss). I’m a regular contributor on StackOverflow (and some satellite sites), mainly on the ansible tag (User Zeitounator - Stack Overflow). I Offer my ansible expertise and development in my current work as well as in my freelance activity.

Random facts about myself:

  • I hate to celebrate my birthday (although I’m ok celebrating other’s if its ok with them)
  • I practice rock climbing and caving but only if I can camp after the effort, make fire, grill any kind of pork meat and drink red wine with my friends.

I basically came here because I have questions and probably need support about Galaxy NG but I might contribute and/or ask more question in any other category/subject.



Now here is the first place where we can earn Reader badge :laughing:


Hello everyone.

My Name is L3D. I am here because (surpise) I like using ansible too.

With a friend I gave a german talk to ansible. Maybe you find it interesting.

cover_ansible (YouTube Link:

I also talked about ansible in a swiss podcast Hackerfunk - Episode 147: Ansible.

And I wrote some ansible role and collections myself. You can find them at
Maybe you saw my most famous one, the gitea ansible from l3d.git.gitea or


I’ve just realised it’s recently had its tenth birthday

Rereading my announcement post I see what a fun introduction to the world it had

Looking for the announcement I also found @geerlingguy’s post, that it’s just over five years since Ansible took it over: Testing your Ansible roles with Molecule | Jeff Geerling - so it’s nearly been out of my hands longer than it was in them!



I am Ekta from Karnataka, India. I am 2nd CSE undergrad. I’m thrilled to join this incredible open-source community as a complete beginner.

I’ve been inspired by the collaborative nature and the potential for positive change that open-source projects offer. While I may be new to this journey, I’m eager to learn, grow, and contribute in any way I can.

Being a beginner, I’m here to soak in knowledge, seek guidance, and collaborate with experienced contributors who can mentor me along the way. I believe that open source is not just about coding; it’s about community, shared learning, and making a collective impact.

I look forward to the exciting journey ahead!




My given name is Wolf-Agathon and I’m from Germany, I use ansible not very long ( approx. 2 or 3 years ) but didn’t use it very intense during that time - only for my private computer zoo.
A few weeks ago I got a new customer and they have a (shit)load of issues that needs to be solved by using Ansible. I happily looking forward getting the issues solved step-by-step.



Hello All,

I am Iftikhar Khan based in Raleigh/Durham area. I am a Red Hatter and part of the Ansible community for a while. I was part of the early Ansible networking team and held different leadership roles in the Ansible Engineering. I have spent a major part of my professional career in the IT infrastructure and later on the product development side. There are a lot of familiar name here and I am here to learn and understand what’s new in the community and how I can help/contribute.

Iftikhar Khan


Hey! I’m James Mighion. I’m a Red Hatter in Portland, Oregon. I’ve been using, supporting, consulting on, and engineering with Ansible since the acquisition. I’m here to follow along with any upstream topics and see if I can help wherever I can.


Hi All,

i am also new to the forum.

I’d like to get some help on a playbook. can someone help me?


Hi, and welcome !

I’d like to get some help on a playbook. can someone help me?

Sure. Just post your questions in Get Help section :slight_smile:



I am Olivier,
I use Ansible in my work but not on a daily basis. I published my first module on Galaxy 2 days ago (see pytoccaz namespace). Its purpose is to list blobs in azure storage containers. I hope it will help…


Hello everyone !

My name is Marc and I am located in Dortmund, Germany.

I am working with Ansible for a few years now, did my RHCE Certification last year, and trying to automate as much as possible.

Looking forward to some great exchange and just being part of the Community in general !


Greetings gentle readers.

Though trained as a Chemical Engineer, I’ve been in the IT side of things, starting first with real time data collection in remote locations, then a path of Programming, System Administration and finally Network Development and Mangement. Most of the systems I use are based on BSD Unix, though my experience pre-dates that, as I’ve had some experience with shell programming on Version 6 Unix, near the end of its life in 1979.

At present am using Ansible to aid in the configuration and standardizing the state of Unix servers and Network Devices at the University of Toronto.


Hi all!
Dawid here, from Wroclaw.
I am an automatization lover, trying to automate as much as I can. I’ve been working with ansible for 3 years.
Besides that, I am keen on e-sports (mostly CS) and darts.


Hi I am @staticdev and have been doing ansible roles for some years now.


Hello Community,

My name is Lior, I’m 32 years old, I’ve been playing around with Ansible for approximatly 5 years.

Native of Israel and living in Germany for almost a decade.

I like to travel whenever possible, learn new things, try out new Whiskey brands and… yeah, exploring new Ansible modules.



Hey Everyone!

Luke here, I’m newer to Ansible and excited to jump in and work on more automation!


Hi David. hope you okay
new to this forum

I have a question re ansible if you dont mind


Welcome @msaeed! Questions are best asked in the Get Help where you’ll find lots of people to answer your questions :wink:


greetings - pnuw here aka pete nuwayser - proud IBMer in alexandria, virginia, united states. been using ansible on/off since 2015 - I spend about half of my time working with watsonx Code Assistant for RH Ansible Lightspeed. :wave:
