Introduce yourself! (2023 edition)

Hi all, My name is Matthew. I work for Red Hat and I am a big fan of Ansible. Love the community and looking to expand my automation knowledge. Oh, and IPvSean and Leo are great!


hi Michael Zheng here from Amsterdam

I am network engineer background, with some previous programming experience in C/C++ and Python. Now I need to use Ansible and AWX for some deployment of our network infrastructure

That is why i here in this community


Hi there, I am AndrƩ.

I am a fullstack web developer with bachelor degree in Geography, DevOp, hobby-meteorologist and Inkscape-enthusiast. I love to see this grow and getting better with Ansible! (:

It was great being part of the Ansible Community Day in Berlin! (:


Iā€™m Anton or therojam, (which is my social handle). Since about 4ā€“5 years, I have been using Ansible to set up infrastructure configurations for others, I also used it to build a docker host or set up a full typo server. Either itā€™s on an on prem VMware cluster, or AWS EC2 instances. Ansible is my very best friend to configure Linux machines after provisioning with other things.

Since yesterday, I organize together with some other nice guys the Ansible meetup Berlin. (more to come, as in itā€™s ready when itā€™s ready)

Youā€™ll find some of my code at GitHub or at my GitLab account.


Iā€™ve done a bit of work with EDA w/ prometheus using the alertmanager source plugin. Happy to help.

I have a project that I use to implement some observability related integrations with EDA. Within this project, I have a directory for prometheus that stands up a podman-compose stack:

Thereā€™s also a video that I recorded that runs through this scenario, albeit with Datadog, but the same scenario can be run using that prometheus stack linked above.


Hi Colin,

Thanks for the reach out, all I can say is: wowā€¦ this is amazing!

I can def benefit from learning from your git, so what I have been trying to do for the past 8 hours is get eda to trigger a play book from our Ansible node from alert manager that is hosting prometheus, to check if certain hosts have dropped mount pointsā€¦its been a struggle for 8 hoursā€¦nearly got it rightā€¦

Iā€™m Todd. I started using Ansible in early 2017, helping my team migrate ~150 servers across a dozen or so service lines from another configuration management tool to Ansible. This is in a university IT setting where I started as an undergraduate in 1978 (using punch cards) and never left.

I have always enjoyed making my computers do interesting things, and helping other people to do interesting things with theirs. Ansible is a multiplier for exactly that. Iā€™m so looking forward to learning from and sharing solutions to interesting challenges on this forum. Very happy to be here.



Im Kevin from the UK

Ive been using Ansible for 5 years or so now, I was introduced to the forum at the Ansible Community Day in Berlin


Iā€™m new in terms of Ansibleā€¦ Iā€™m used to run playbooks but not about to create mineā€¦ So Iā€™m a Sys Admin with some background in on-premises environmentā€¦an RHCSA level.


Hi, I am Anil from India. New to Ansible platform.


Hey, I am RenƩ aka resmo (on github and irc)

Iā€™m a long time ansible user (~ v0.7), co-author of Oā€™Reillyā€™s Ansible Up & Running and author and maintainer of a few ansible integrations most of them releated to cloud computing, such as vultr, cloudstack,, exoscale.


Hello there,

Iā€™m Andreas, also known as ā€˜adsā€™.

Very long time PostgreSQL user, and also active in this community.

Using Ansible for a couple of years now, both at my job as well as deploying my own stuff at home.

Say Hi when you spot me at a conference. I might carry a blue plush elephant around.
My online profiles are usually named ā€œascherbaumā€ or ā€œandreasscherbaumā€.


I am Yule a reasonably new Red Hatter from Australia.
I grew up in Germany and moved to OZ more than 10 years ago.
I am very very new to Ansible and currently going through the RHCE course as well as seeing a lot of Ansible around my current workplace.
(any tips on how to learn and experience Ansible best?)

When I am not working, I like to crochet, listen to way too much music , play World of Warcraft, or be a couch potato with my 3 pugs.

P.S. looking forward to browsing the forum, meeting lots of amazing people and hopefully one day be able to help with Ansible things too!


Hi Iā€™m Wendy. I am new to Ansible and automation for networking. Iā€™ve been working with Cisco routers and switches since becoming certified in 2010.

I have a 20 yo daughter who is a talented artist and she is currently pursuing an illustration degree at FIT in NYC. My daughter and I are both learning Japanese.

I look forward to learning more about Ansible.


I crochet also! Mostly when I am watching my favorite K-drama. :wink:


Hi folks!

Iā€™m Jeff van Pelt from the Netherlands, also known as Thulium-Drake on Github, Iā€™m mostly an Ansible user, but sometimes youā€™ll find my name on some modules :slight_smile: (community.general.proxmox inventory and some modules in theforeman.foreman, even though 99% of the magic is done by the Foreman team, I just wield their amazing code :wink: )

Apart from that Iā€™m of the conviction where ā€œIf itā€™s not in Ansible (code), it doesnā€™t existā€ and try to apply as much as I can in my daily work. And my focus is building (automated) Enterprise infrastructure with the ā€˜standardā€™ RH product portfolio, but also still learning new things everyday!

Also @gwmngilfen @cybette thanks again for the wonderful time in Ghent earlier this year! (and all of those whom I canā€™t mention here due to limits :slight_smile: ).


Hello all, Iā€™m Sumanth Lingappa from Bengaluru, India.
I am the developer of netscaler.adc ansible collection.
Started working Ansible an year back.

I am very happy about this forum. I could not figure out to get help from Ansible community from the chat rooms earlier. This forum looks promising.

In the coming days, I am looking forward to learn writing tests for my collection, a connection plugin etc.


Hi, Iā€™m Will Thames, long term user of and contributor to ansible, although my contributions have lessened as the bits I used have become incredibly stable.

Among other things I wrote ansible-lint (now managed by ansible) and ansible-inventory-grapher and have done a lot of work on the AWS modules (until about 2018) and Kubernetes modules (from about 2018).

I recently migrated a 2018 version of AWX to a 2023 version without loss of data, and have been doing a lot to get it managed under helm rather than an operator.

Iā€™ve been to ansiblefest 2016(?) in London, 2017 in San Francisco and 2018 in Austin, maybe Iā€™ll get to another in the future if I have things worth listening to!


Hey everyone! Nice to meet you all!


Hello @willthames, welcome to the community!

Wow, thatā€™s neat! Actually I believe itā€™s a great devtool, one of my favourites on the Ansible ecosystem :wink:
