Introduce yourself! (2023 edition)


I hope this message finds you all well. Nikhil here from California. I am excited to join this vibrant community. I am fairly new to Ansible, but I am eager to learn and grow my skills in this area.

I have a basic understanding of Ansible and have used it for some small projects. I am particularly interested in how Ansible can automate complex IT tasks and simplify the management of large networks of computers.

I am looking forward to learning from all of you and sharing my journey as I delve deeper into the world of Ansible. I am open to any advice, resources, or tips that you think might be helpful for a beginner like me.

Thank you for welcoming me into this community. I canā€™t wait to start collaborating and learning with all of you!


My name is Marcos Alano. Iā€™m a DevOps engineer at Dev.Pro and just now Iā€™m using Ansible consistently in one of our clients, but I love Ansible since a long time ago.


Hello everyone, Iā€™m the latest Newb so I will be asking a lot of questions :slightly_smiling_face: . Looking to use Ansible to automate firewall code upgrades, config changes, etc. Using this resource, as well as others to get up to speed. Iā€™m old, tired, and just want it all to work :slight_smile:


Hi, Iā€™m Star. I live in NYC. I live in a punk house and work in IT infrastructure. Iā€™m currently interested in networking, security, and devops. Also looking and curious about some software engineering projects. My twitter & My linkedin Iā€™ve been making a blog and podcast lately.

Iā€™m interested in the beach, and crafts. I just started making blogs so Iā€™m new to them but I just made some to get started in writing. I started a profile on Dec 6th. I looked at Ansible last year in CCNP Encor I think, with David Bomball course for free. Iā€™m curious about VMware with Ansible.

Iā€™m running into roadblocks sometimes when looking for Ansible answers and to learn more about my questions.


Hello! Been using Ansible for nearly 9 years at this point! Iā€™ve been involved in the community off and on for about 5 years or so. Iā€™ve contributed one bug fix to the project, which is not much but still cool.

Iā€™ve brought Ansible to 3 places and spruced up its use at 2 other places. I love it!


Hi everyone! :wave:

Iā€™m Daniel (dbrennand) from the UK :uk:

Iā€™d been meaning to sign up to this forum for a while since reading about it on the Bullhorn! Finally got round to it! :slightly_smiling_face:

I enjoy learning new technologies and Iā€™m passionate about automation, DevOps and self-hosting. I sometimes blog about Ansible and other tech related stuff. Iā€™m using Ansible regularly to manage my Homelab and have created a couple of Ansible roles on GitHub. Last year I passed RHCSA and plan on taking RHCE this year!

In my free time I enjoy gaming :space_invader: , swimming :swimming_man: and board games :game_die: . See you all on the forum! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello guys,

Iā€™m Roger and I work as Cloud Engineer in Brazil with focus on Red Hat OpenStack and OpenShift.

I use Ansible to automate my daily tasks and deploys. I hope learning more concepts and aspects with you!



Hello Fellow Ansible Enthusiasts! My name is Kerry and I first started using ansible with AWX back in 2018 for a popular IT Giant, and as an engineer who only knew of shell and ps scripts, i was blown away with the ease of use and the possibilities!

Fast forward 6 years, I now run my own AWX clusters to manage thousands of onprem servers and all other sorts of ā€œthingsā€. I love it and even more I love this community of brilliance, truly! I am now starting to mess around with the EDA operator, although I leverage ansible spoke quite a bit for what EDA can do


Hi! Iā€™m Tom! Iā€™m a DevOps engineer from the Chicagoland area. Iā€™ve been using Ansible now for a few years and have had a very good experience with it. Iā€™m trying to expand how I use it, especially on Windows clients.

I also like to cook, watch movies, and spend time with my family. I also spend quite a bit of time on Mastodon (Sir Dippingsauce ( - if you want to ping me.

If you want to learn more about me then the best place to do so is my web site:


Hey all! Iā€™m Fale from Milan, Italy. Iā€™ve been using Ansible for 10+ (since 2013!) and Iā€™ve done a bounch of things around it including blogging about it (and not only) on, writing a few books on it, and written a bounch of Ansible code obviously :). Iā€™ve not always been a fan of Discourse-like systems, but it is probably the time I start to get over it, so letā€™s see how it will go. Another thing Iā€™m trying to do better is social media, mostly on the fediverse.


You can Enable mailing list mode in your preference and then simply use your email client to interact with Discourse, you donā€™t have to use the web UI. :slight_smile:



My name is LoĆÆc. Iā€™m a 40 years old belgian guy, living in Luxembourg.

Iā€™m working as a Linux sysadmin at the Luxembourg National Library. There we use Ansible for multiple purposes: ensure the compliance of our VMs, accounting configuration, products deployment and configuration, etcā€¦
Latest significant thing I implemented Ansible-related was an inventory plugin and Iā€™m currently setting up a Semaphore instance with OpenID authentication.

Iā€™ve got a few hobbies, main ones being hiking and photography.

I went to FOSDEM last week-end and got invited to join this forum, so here I am :slight_smile:


You can, but Iā€™d recommend using email notifications for specific categories and tags will make it less of a firehose. Iā€™m a fan of ā€œwatch first post onlyā€ which means I see all the topics and I can watch specific.ones for more posts.


I use the mailing list mode for the Fedora one, and Iā€™m not finding it as useful as Iā€™d like it to be. Iā€™ll try to see if Iā€™ll be able to configure it better here, though :slight_smile:


Hi :wave:
Iā€™m Jadyn (she/her) Iā€™ve probably met some of you at FOSDEMā€™23/24 or cgfmgmtcamp24 in Belgium.
I used to be a DevOps Engineer, now I work in Cybersecurity and do ansible things in my free time, mainly regarding Proxmox and Secretstorage.


Hi, Saumiya here, from UAE. I have been working in the communication sector for 6 years and recently, decided on switching to the technical sector. I am currently learning automation tools which include Ansible, docker, and many more. And thatā€™s how I landed here. I am glad I found this amazing community. I hope to learn a lot from professionals here and contribute to the open-source projects when I am good to go. I am part of some of the Linux and DevOps forums too and love to reach out/connect with people through forums and grow together with the community.

Outside of the learning part, I am an amateur bird-watcher. I love hiking too and thatā€™s how I plan my travels, just to go hiking and watch birds in the deep forests. Plus I am a people person, 101 percent. You all are invited virtually for tea anytime, at my home. :wink: You might have heard the saying ā€œHabibi, come to Dubaiā€


Hi, I am Eric aka ericsysmin. Not really new here in the Ansible Community, but new to this forum. I have lots of collections, and roles in the Galaxy, and many blog entries on testing and build roles and collections with Molecule. Iā€™ve been using Ansible now for almost 10 years. I can be found on IRC @ericsysmin and on the Ansible matrix space.



My name is Thomas and iā€™m working on Ansible since 2 years. I recently move from awx 15 to 22 and learn to user K3S. Hope this forum will help me !


Hello! Iā€™m Tom Purl and live in Chicagoland. Iā€™ve been using Ansible on side projects for a while now and hope to help others while I learn on this forum.



Iā€™m Jad from Sydney, Australia

Love Ansible love the communityā€¦ keep up the good work everyone.

GitHub: j-oss2023 (Jad Seifeddine) Ā· GitHub and jadsy2107 Ā· GitHub
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