Continuing the theme from the previous 2023 and 2024 threads, let’s keep going. Newcomers to the community, here’s your space to say hi! Welcome!
I’m Damian, I work in various roles more or less related to the area of system administration, I joined to learn and develop in the area of Ansible, I also hope to contribute
Howdy! I’m Isaiah and I’m from Las Vegas, NV
I am new to this forum and I’m excited to help in any way I can. I’m eager to learn more about system automation, gain some knoweldge and hopefully contribute to Ansible!
Hi all, this is Praneet. New to Ansible, trying to make some fun home projects and came across ansible. Fairly new coder, willing to learn from the community and collaborate in any way if possible!
Happy building all!
PS: found this wiki, not sure if it has anything to do with this Ansible.
Hi, I’m Simon. I work has Operations manager for an education project in France.
I am new to this forum and I’m excited to help in any way I can.
That Wikipedia page explains the origin of the name.
I sometimes wish Ansible would be as fast as its name origin suggests
(The connection is also mentioned in the Wikipedia article on Ansible (software) btw: Ansible (software) - Wikipedia. Also I do read a lot of SciFi, and I always have to smile when I read about ansibles in there )