What happend to "Why we won't be submitting patches"?

I got the daily mailing list digest and wanted to read the the initial posting and Michael DeHaans reply. But Google groups tells me “The requested topic cannot be found. It might have been deleted.”
As Michael DeHaan did answer in the first place I guess it was not so offensive that censorship would be appropriate.

So was it censored on purpose, accidentally deleted or am I just too stupid to get google to show me the messages?


It was deleted because it was considered flamebait and was based on some invalid assumptions, and Chris and I have since discussed and are in a happy place.

I had initially replied because it was an open letter to the list, without realizing that it didn’t make it to the list, and there was no since leaving up the nice reply to a thread on Google when the original didn’t actually hit. This was my fault in not realizing I didn’t have to reply.

Let’s work on constructive ways to improve ansible rather than worry about this sort of thing.

If folks take issue with this, please reply to me personally, and we can have a discussion in more detail, but out of respect for those involved, I would prefer to not discuss that in public.

I recognize there are some different cultural ideas about how lists should work, and there will be disagreements, but I don’t like to leave such threads around as they just breed negative feelings when we want to keep focusing on the real goal of this project – making systems easier to manage.

Thanks for clarification. And - of course - thanks for working 25 hours a day on this great product and answering community questions!
