Hi everyone,
We’ve decided to make some new mailing lists (ansible-announce and ansible-devel). This is something that happens in the life of most projects, so I wanted to share why we were doing it now.
The reasons for doing this are these:
(A) to provide a low traffic mailing list people can subscribe to if they only want news and events, but aren’t interested so much in support discussions.
(B) to enable ansible-project to be more readily used for sharing cool tips, tricks, and other things, without those things getting too buried by technical internals discussions. Right now the forum is mostly all about user questions, and we’d like to open it up for more types of ansible information.
and (C) to provide a better place for technical internals discussions, helping people with module development, helping new contributors write code, having a place for people to help test new features, and discussing pending feature designs in releases that are still in progress (for this last part, there may be still some cross posting). Some of this content would be distracting for new users.
These new lists are (ansible-announce) which is a read only announcement list:
And ansible-devel, which works like this list, and is “moderated-first-time-post” to reduce spam:
Users are not automatically signed up for either list, so please sign up if you are interested.
Release announcements will still be cross-posted to ansible-project but I think it’s good to have a lower-traffic alternative for some, and also a place for development topics.
ansible on freenode is going to be kept as the only IRC channel at this time, we don’t really see a need to split that yet.
Hope this makes sense and let me know if anyone has questions, or problems subscribing that we can help with.