question about ui_next

Hi, just want to know how the ui_next is going(is it available from an installation or just development state) and what is roadmap about UI evolvement. Thanks

I'm interessed for any reply too.
Any screenshoot ?

Hey - thanks for your interest in ui_next. This is a project that’s currently in development and meant to eventually replace the existing AWX User Interface. The project is still very much a work in progress and we’ve been focused on a handful of strategic areas to get started including Organizations, Templates, Jobs and Job Results. Our initial goal is to build an interface that can support very basic use cases (create a job template, launch it, and see the output). As it currently stands, the interface won’t be too useful to the community as a whole but once it is we’ll definitely let the community know. If you’re interested in taking a look at the project in a development capacity see these instructions. If you’d like to track issues and pull requests related to ui_next check out the component:pf label. Thanks again for your interest!
