Upcoming changes to the Ansible AWX User Interface

Hey everyone,

At AnsibleFest 2019, we announced some major changes to AWX, including a complete reimagination of AWX’s user interface, implemented with newer technologies that weren’t available back when the current user interface was written: https://www.ansible.com/the-future-of-ansible-tower

Some of you have already been test-driving this interface and providing feedback over the past several months. I’m pleased to announce that after considerable effort, we’ve arrived at a place where we’re ready to ship this new interface, and that it will be available for use very soon.

In the next major version of AWX (likely in the next few weeks), we’ll be removing the old user interface and replacing it with this new one. It’s worth noting that while most of AWX’s functionality exists in this new interface, there’s still a few things that are still actively being worked on (and are still subject to change a bit). Here are a few notable things you might notice are still under construction:

…and some things don’t have UI support yet at all:

That said, all of the current functionality will continue to exist in its current state via the AWX API. The AWX development team has been using this as our daily driver for some time now, but if you’re not ready to make the plunge just yet, we recommend sticking with AWX 15.x for awhile.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding these upcoming changes, please feel free to reply here on this thread.

Thanks, and happy automating!