Introduce yourself! (2023 edition)

Hi all, I’m Angela and I’m an Ansible hobbiest with hopes of getting into the weeds with it. Happy to see so many amazing automaters here.


Hello! My name is Jordi Bericat aka Beri aka Berikato and I am thrilled to join this :ansible_pool_mark: community… Yay!! Professionally, Ansible is my only line of work - That is, for me everything turns around Ansible / AAP all the day long, so you might imagine how happy I am of being here just writing these lines :slight_smile:

In my spare time I just like to have a walk with my beloved wife, to pet my :cat2: :cat2: :cat2: or take care of my :potted_plant: :cactus: :shamrock:, but I also like to practice sports like :swimming_man: and :soccer:


Yeah I got it also :slight_smile: It’s my AAP reference book over any other. Nicely done @sean_sullivan !


Hi, I’m @kurokobo, a hobbyist and contributor to Ansible related projects and other OSS projects.

I enjoy learning new technologies by actually playing them in my home labs and cloud, and organizing the knowledge I gain to contribute to the community. Most of my output is on GitHub and my blog.

All my activities on GitHub and other communities around OSS are completely done as a hobby by using my spare time in between childcare, not as a job. I’m currently on paternity leave from Sep. 2022 until Apr. 2024​:baby_bottle::baby:

If interested, visit some of my projects.

Feel free to ping me, thanks :laughing:


Hey Collin nice to see you here, I’ve been on several of your Ansible webinars, really enjoyed them :slight_smile: See you around!


Hi All, I’m Sharif

I hope you all are well.

I am here to learn from all of you amazing guys. Consider me a newbie.

I like playing chess discussing techs, life experiences for hours.

You can find me on Linkedin, Twitter.

I wish you all good health and a happy life.



Hi everyone!

I am Davide and I started using Ansible a little bit more than a year ago, enjoying it a lot at the point of really wanting to try to contribute to it. Apart from that, I am an open source enthusiast who in the free time loves to practice sports. On GitHub you can find me under sbettid.

See you around :grinning:


Hola! Hi!

I’m Tito! So great to see community members here that I’ve either worked with indirectly or directly! I’ve been using Ansible for 8 years now! My love for Ansible started when I and a group of friends started a non-profit in 2015 to repair computers for free in our community! We created a Fedora Spin to include Ansible and some PXEboot options that would allow use to connect a Patron’s computer to the network, PXEboot it with the Fedora Spin and alert us via Slack when the system was online.

We’d then trigger an Ansible playbook from Slack to run ClamAV to sanitize the data locally and then run a backup of the raw data and reinstall Windows ( a little more involved but you get the point). So much fun! This was before AWX was an option and before Ansible was available via any repo/package manager :wink:

The non-profit is on hold at the moment but I recently started writing some playbooks and scripts that are Ansible related and post them on GitHub to share. Ok, I have maybe like 3-4 small pieces of code to do silly and simple things but it’s a start, right? :sweat_smile:

Anyway, I hope to be able to contribute here what I know but also hope to learn from all of you. I am in the South Eastern part of the US,

See you all in the forums!

PS - I run Fedora these days with KDE Plasma on Wayland! I also have a Mac I use but I promise, there is some Linux Inside :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Your awx deployment guide is amazingly good and useful. Thank you for such a valuable resource for setting up awx!


This is my matrix ID : You're invited to talk on Matrix



Glad to see this forum and I know its been in talks for a while. Currently working with ansible and AAP as a consultant.


Hi all!
Submitted my first Ansible PR some 7 years ago and I focus on security and compliance automation.

The current time wasters are Starfield and watching the MCU in chronological order.


Hey everyone :wave:! I’ve been on the forum since the pilot, but I somehow managed not to introduce myself here. I do a couple Ansible-ly things. I am a member of the Steering committee - Ansible and work on policies related to the ansible package, collections, and the community at large. I co-maintain the 5 antsibull projects, used for building the ansible package, docs, changelogs, and more. I focus on antsibull (provides antsibull-build used to build the ansible package) and antsibull-core (core library shared by antsibull and antsibull-docs), and dev tooling for all 5 projects. I also contribute to ansible-documentation. I am a Fedora Linux packager and I maintain ansible, ansible-core, and some ansible-collection-* packages, amongst many others.

You can read more about me and the other things I do on my blog ( Of course, it’s deployed via Ansible onto a Fedora VM.


Hi Guys,
I am santheerdas. Nice to meet you


Hello. Nice to meet you all. :wave: :wave: :wave:


Hey everyone, greetings from a terrible copy-and-paste Ansible script kid, not too far outside Frankfurt Germany. :wave:


Hi all,

My name is Darren Lavery, I just passed RHCE a few months back and have brought Ansible into my production at work, we are now looking into EDA with Prometheus, I would be really keen on having some chat on these topics. I am also a LOTR, Marvel, DC, and rugby fan… :wave:


hahaha now you made my day :smiley:

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Hello everyone,

i am Kai and am excited to meet you all after the community day in berlin.


Hi everyone!

I am David, I discovered this forum whilst attending Ansible community day in Berlin today. Had a great time, I enjoyed all the talks and meeting so many new people :smile:

More about me:

I am originally from the UK but moved to Finland last year, I am really enjoying myself here so far.

I started out as a web hosting engineer (mainly windows servers) and now I have been working as a site reliability engineer with Linux servers since May '22.

My main hobbies are:

  • Football (man united, Bristol city) :soccer:
  • Running in the forest (Finland has these everywhere it’s great) :running_man:
  • Being a dad to my 2 year old daughter :family_man_girl: