Introduce yourself! (2023 edition)

Hi my name is Dan and I am from Norway. I really like this new community forum, and enjoy a lot of learning from many of you.
I work as a sysadmin, and use Ansible a lot, and have been for some years now.

Looking forward to get to know many of you. If any Norwegians is here, please stop by the Norge (Norwegian) International Community Topic and say Hi.


Hello everyone! I’m Dhona. I share some blog posts about Ansible on DEV and Medium. Happy to be here and looking forward to learn and share with the Ansible community!


Hi everyone, I’m Asapdotid from Indonesia. I’m trying to learn automation, I am very happy to be able to join the Ansible community, I hope to gain experience and knowledge from this community!



I’m Christoph from Munich, Germany. You will find me on all platforms (Github, Matrix, Mastodon, …) as hille721, mostly with my dog Leila as profile pic.

I’m in the Ansible universe for around 3 years, thus a newbie compared to many others here :slight_smile:


Hey All,

I am Brian McCafferty, An Ansible & Automation Technical Account Manager working for Red Hat in the UK (Scotland be be exact :scotland: ).

I fell in love with Ansible a few years ago working as a sys admin, so much I ended up coming to work for Red Hat.

Outside of work I love running which I only started doing last year and on a Saturday morning you can normally find me at Parkrun.



I wanted to say a BIG thank-you for all your YouTube recordings, they kick-started my Ansible journey.

Regards, Steve


Hi All,
My name is Andrew Heath, I am a system administrator working for Red Hat, I help manage an Ansible Automation Platform environment for thousands of customers and thousands of jobs an hour, I also help out on the Fedora project helping setup an AWX instance and packaging some of the tools used by AWX into RPM’s

I have using Ansible for about 8 years now starting with some basic playbooks and tasks to now using / integrating it with various other tools to help streamline processes not only for me personally but for my team as well.


Hey !

I’m Pierre, systems engineer from France, currently residing in Strasbourg. I’ve been doing systems and networks administration for roughly 15 years, and Ansible played a big part in my journey <3.

I’m glad to be part of this community; see you around !


Greetings all.

My name is Ben. I’m a sysadmin, and been a user of various Open Source software for over 15 years, most of which has been at hobby level. Began using and learning more about Ansible about two years ago, but still feel like a noob. Looking forward to learning from you all, and hopefully be able to help someone by contributing my two cents.

Outside of technology I enjoy backpacking, playing the guitar, and listening to various genres of metal music :metal:


Hello Everyone, Am Dule Martins.

I am glad to be here and also am part of the guys at the Ansible community writers on discord helping to improve and maintain Ansible’s docs.


Hello Everyone. I’m Akira Yokochi.
I am particularly interested in network automation.

I usually write blogs about Ansible in Japanese.


@akira6592 I LOVE YOUR BLOG, I have it subscribed on my RSS feed. I still refer people back to your entries on workflows as it does a great job of laying out how to link and use nodes.


@sean_sullivan Thank you! My pleasure.


Greetings, everyone. I’m Ilya; you can call me Ely or Eli.

As a DevOps engineer at CyberArk, I have been using Ansible for six years. Over the past three years, my team and I have relied on AWX as the backbone of our client infrastructure deployment. Within our AWX-powered environments, we’ve honed our ability to handle a high volume of active jobs effortlessly.

Notably, I recently received the prestigious Angry Spud Award within the AWX community, a recognition that fills me with pride.

My journey with AWX has been exhilarating, and I’m thrilled to contribute to this vibrant community. I’m committed to pinpointing relevant issues and collaborating to enhance AWX’s effectiveness and resilience. Together, let’s make AWX an even more powerful tool for all of us.


ansible-core dev here


Dear Members,

I am Arnav Bhati, Senior Consultant in Services team and I love automation. I have been a part of multiple projects in AAP and Middleware. With my recent projects, I realised Ansible can do great things :slight_smile:

In my free time I like to play cricket and bike and nowadays learning a bit of German too !!

Feel free to ping me on Gchat, I love talking to other members of the community!


Welcome @arnav3000 !

Do you mean Matrix (or IRC)? These are the main platforms for communicating with our community :slight_smile:


I think he meant internal Red Hatters can ping him there, but we can also ping him here @arnav3000 just as easily.


I absolutely love your book! Thanks for the great content.

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Glad you’re here, Jeff! Now it’s a party! :tada: :fireworks: