This week in Ansible Community
Issue #142, 2024-06-14 (Past Issues)
Welcome to The Bullhorn, our newsletter for the Ansible Community. If you have any questions or content you’d like to share, you’re welcome to chat with us in the Ansible Social room on Matrix, and mention newsbot
to have your news item tagged for review for the next weekly issue!
- 2024-06-17: ETA for Ansible-Core 2.17.1
- 2024-06-18: ETA for Ansible 10.1.0 release
- 2024-06-18: ETA for next AWX and AWX operator releases
- 2024-06-18: DaWGs meeting, 15:00 UTC
- 2024-06-19: Community WG meeting, 18:00 UTC
- 2024-06-27: Bullhorn #143 content deadline, 18:00 UTC
- 2024-07-09: AWX Community meeting, 15:00 UTC
Projects to make it easier to write and test Ansible Content. Includes VScode extension, language server, ansible-lint, molecule, ansible-navigator and potentially other development goodies. To see what’s planned, and how you can help checkout the foundation-devtools project board
Leo contributed
We’re thrilled to introduce the new Ansible development tools!
The package provides an easy way to install and discover the best tools available to create and test Ansible content in your workstation. The upstream package is installable through pip and is available now. We invite you to read about it in the following Ansible Forum topic and join the discussion.
andersson007_ said
The collection versions 4.0.4 and 5.0.3 have been released.
sshnaidm said
Ansible Podman collection released 1.15.2 version with new module - podman_search which allows you to search images across the registries. Podman image module can have the Containerfile right inside the task now as a text.
Changing away from the email Bullhorn subscription option 

samccann said
We’re consolidating the Bullhorn subscription option to the Ansible Forum. If you are subscribed through our older email compaign, look out for an email with a simple invite code to get you into the Ansible forum and subscribed for email updates on Bullhorn Forum topics.
mariolenz said
There has been a deprecation announcement in The Bullhorn #123 for the openvswitch.openvswitch collection. There is now a discussion open what this means for the Ansible Community Package, that is if and / or when we should remove the collection.
mariolenz shared
There has been a deprecation announcement in The Bullhorn #123 for the frr.frr collection. There is now a discussion open what this means for the Ansible Community Package, that is if and / or when we should remove the collection.
mariolenz said
There has been a deprecation announcement in The Bullhorn #123 for the vyos.vyos collection. There is now a discussion open what this means for the Ansible Community Package, that is if and / or when we should remove the collection.
samccann said
The Ansible Minneapolis group will have an AnsibleFest/Summit recap and discussion on ansible-builder on June 20th- check out the details and save the date!
samccann contributed
in about four weeks we have the Benelux (Belgium - Netherlands - Luxembourg) Ansible Meetup in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands → Login to Meetup | Meetup
Have any questions you’d like to ask, or issues you’d like to see covered? Please ask in! See you next time!