AWX Documentation no longer exists besides contribution guide and API reference?

hello! is this expected? it used to be accessible now it has been removed?
perhaps there was an announcement ?

No new releases on AWX repo on github for a while now. No important bugs being fixed. Lets call this the IBM effect.

I was also wondering where the documents disappearedā€¦

Streamlining AWX Releases This seems to be whatā€™s going on. Iā€™m sure IBM has some part in it but it also seems like they are focusing on an actual problem they want to solve.

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@gundalow , Could you help shed some light on this? Itā€™s quite concerning

This site has been intentionally removed in the following PR with the explanation, ā€œRemoved user docs with UI-focus from AWX as part of the AWX modernization efforts.ā€

On the other hand, this is a page for the latest version where the ongoing changes in development are always reflected, so the versioned latest documentation can be checked at the following URL

I understand that the AWX UI is expected to change significantly, but I hope that sufficient user documentation, similar to the deleted documents, will be released when the new AWX is launched.


Hi folks,
I know the 404 page is concerning (Iā€™ll see if we can improve that)
We now have versioned docs

So the page is now

Notice the /24.6.1/ (instead of /latest/) in the URL


Iā€™m sorry that I missed this when we resumed publish the AWX docs.

Looks like ReadTheDocs (which we use for our upstream docs) does support custom 404 pages, Iā€™ve raised an issue to get this sorted. Iā€™ll work with Engineering to get this prioritized, we might be able to setup some redirects. Iā€™m not sure how I missed this, so thank you for pinging me directly on this issue. PR in flight

For context, we moved to Read The Docs for AWX about a year ago

For more context on the rearchitecture, please take a look at this forum posts. There are real problems with how AWX has grown over the past decade, and we at Red Hat are investing a lot of time to improve the architecture

These links go into more details about the re-architecture work:


Awesome, thank you for confirming @gundalow! Thatā€™s great that we have versioned documentation. I guess google is indexing first the latest doc since it receives most of the clicks.

*Apologies if the tone sounded adversarial, not my intention at all

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Use this link: Ansible AWX Documentation ā€” Ansible AWX community documentation
and you can specify the version<versions>/

Hi folks
We believe this is fix.

If you see any issues please let us know.

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