Apply proxy and DNS settings to GNU/Linux Debian using configuration management tool such as Ansible


I’m beginner with configuration management tools

I’m physist (also teaching computer science)…
we want our students work with Raspberry Pi.

Maybe you can help me to solve :
How to apply proxy and DNS settings to GNU/Linux Debian using configuration management tool such as Ansible
It will be very nice

I’d like to be able to apply scripts to several RPi at a time, to install packages…

but I first need to apply proxy and DNS settings to many RPi…

I also have a “bad” solution using PuttyCS (Command Sender)

but a much cleaner solution (such as using a configuration management tool such as Ansible) will be fine.

Kind regards


I’m sorry, writing custom playbooks for a specific purpose is out of scope for this list.

We are happy to answer more specific questions but would recommend you start with Ansible docs and let us know where you have specific questions.