I’m still new to ansible and have a lot of questions on my mind. Maybe someone could answer two of them.
In my environment I have a lot of Red Hat and some SUSE servers. I’d like to use ansible to configure the settings for DNS and NTP on these hosts. To get the most out of a tool like ansible I assume that there must be some kind of module where I could define the values for my DNS and NTP servers and ansible discovers the target operating system and sets the desired values properly. But I didn’t find any module to do so.
For an example, I would not like to create seperate plays for the different systems to tell them on Red Hat put the values there and on SUSE put them somewhere else. I simply like to play something like “set DNS to and NTP to on all hosts in my inventory”. I think about something like the “package”-module for package installation on different operating systems.
I would appreciate if someone could give an example on how to do that.