Ansible Galaxy not allowing tarball downloads

Navigate to Ansible Galaxy

Click download tarball button.

Ansible Galaxy redirects to

The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.

Seems to be an issue with any collection I try on Galaxy


Getting that error as well in a couple different ones.

Hello here,
we’re getting today

ERROR! Failed to download collection tar from ‘default’: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

Is it related to your errors or does Ansible Galaxy require a Login now?

Thank you

Same. Ansible Galaxy downloads appear to be entirely broken ATM.

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
Starting galaxy collection install process
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Downloading to /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-54yfkgv2sy/tmpsvjdcz2a/community-general-9.1.0-s2jq6ldk
ERROR! Failed to download collection tar from 'default' due to the following unforeseen error: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

This is the same error manifesting through ansible-galaxy cli. afaik Galaxy does not/will not require a login. This is an issue upstream with the Ansible Galaxy server.

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Having the same issue as well

ansible-galaxy collection install containers.podman
Starting galaxy collection install process
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Downloading to /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-2791ixth0umt/tmp90ieu488/containers-podman-1.15.3-qfiipg58
ERROR! Failed to download collection tar from 'default' due to the following unforeseen error: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

AWX Project syncs failing with

ERROR! Failed to download collection tar from 'server0' due to the following unforeseen error: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

Same here - tested from multiple locations.

Yeah, something seems to be broken right now. Neither downloading directly nor installing via ansible-galaxy collection install seems to be working since at least 30 minutes.

@galaxy are you aware of this?

Hello all – working through some service issues currently, will use the following thread to update with info, ETA of fix, etc.: Jul 8, 2024 Ansible Galaxy service degradation info thread


Is there a workaround?

The only workaround would be updating your requirements yaml or commandline to pull directly from github


Confirmed that updated requirements files to pull from git works as a workaround. See: Installing collections — Ansible Community Documentation

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Thank you, it works for me as well.

Reference for others:

  - name:
    type: git
    version: main

If there is a better way, let me know

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Fixed - [Update: Fixed] Ansible Galaxy service degradation info thread (Jul 8, 2024) - #6 by jlmitch5


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