Ansible Collections: 403 Forbidden


Has someone experienced an error when syncing projects?

error encountered: ERROR! Failed to download collection tar from ‘explicit_requirement_community.general’ due to the following unforeseen error: <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden>. <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden>

The file requirements.yml created under collections folder in my project directory.

i have same issue, it starts after awx-ee latest image update’s

понедельник, 2 октября 2023 г. в 10:16:32 UTC+3, Jerome Arellano:

I found a workaround, since I’m not familiar with the ins and outs or modification of ansible configurations inside the k3s pods that I’m using to manage ansible AWX.

we added a source in the requirements.yml of our collections pointing to the old galaxy_ng and it worked.

This solution works for me.

Replace this link in your default “Ansible-galaxy” credentials that is being used under your organization.

Jagruti Belani