About the Forum Guide & Feedback category

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Default Tracking vs Watching for replies on a topic

would it be possible to get a “back to top” button or arrow?
this is mainly for convenience and sometimes when I am reading through longer posts, I tend to forget what the actual question/topic was (yay ADHD :smile: )



Not a bad idea at all @yule, but did you try the floating slide on the right side? I find it useful too:



You can also click the header, it will take you back to the top from anywhere in the post (even on mobile)


I totally did not see that!
Will try that and see how it goes.
Thank you so much!


You’re welcome! Actually, the very same thing happened to me with @gwmngilfen suggestion, I didn’t know that clicking on the header had this effect :rofl:

I have an AWX question but I do not know how to start a new thread - I see how I can reply to all the thread I click on. I just joined the Ansible Forum. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Welcome @razorsim! You should find a large :heavy_plus_sign: button in the bottom right corner when looking at the category:

or you can press “C” as a keyboard shortcut and select “Get Help” as the target category.

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