Nice post Steve, thanks for sharing it.
For those asking about our community size, I probably haven’t shared in a while here, we’re up to 450+ followers on github now, so that’s about half the size of Puppet in what, 5 months? Crazy acceleration. They are not the benchmark or what we’re trying to be at all, but they are popular and doing well, so it’s worth calling out. What’s really cool though – we actually surpassed both Puppet and Chef in terms of total number of open source contributors last month. May not always be that way, but well done folks, and don’t let anybody tell you Ansible is small if that’s the case!
As more people share things with their LUGs, local conferences, and other user groups, (and blogs), we’ll get up there, I’m sure – and if the lists are a little quieter, maybe that means folks could figure it out easier too, which isn’t bad at all.