Just a quick note -- Thank you everyone!

I perhaps only say this when I roll out a release, but I wanted to drop a quick note about how much I appreciate all the great modules, pull requests, ansible presentations, and help you are giving each other lately.

I clear out the pull request queue each week and get another 30 tweaks and features in less than a week’s time! (And it’s accelerating faster and faster lately!) Fantastic stuff.

We’ve already got a huge number of total contributors, hit over 1500 followers on github not too long ago, and just passed 500 forks on github today too. We’re regularly seeing over two hundred people helping each other out on IRC every single day.

This has been (and continues to be) an amazing experience.

Just as an update, speaking of 1.2 pull requests, I am going to take on some of the pull requests tonight and get more of them polished off Monday (along with tackling some other tickets) – we are still scheduled for releasing 1.2 about 6/10 with using the last week for just testing (no features, just fixes) and I’m super happy with where this release is going so far.

This batch includes about 10 modules just for OpenStack! Lots of great new modules, we have roles and a much easier variable system (while keeping the old one working), and everything is getting more robust and more inclusive of other systems and software every day.

Thank you all for making this possible and such a great experience.