What is recommended version???

Hi - I’m completely new to Ansible (and not too familiar with Linux). What is the recommended Ansible version?

If I download via apt-get or pip by default it is downloading the latest version (2.5.2) - isn’t this a dev version?

Is it recommended to specify and download 2.4?


I am guessing you are thinking that ansible uses the very old Linux
kernel model where a release X.Y is denoted as development if Y is odd
and production if it is even. I do not think Ansible has ever followed
that model and the Linux kernel hasn't followed it in 6 years.

2.5.x is the latest stable version. It is not a dev version. It’s best to use the latest version when starting out

I was just going off the following link…


That link is specifically for the docs of the 2.4 version. To always get the latest docs, change 2.4 to latest like so http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/release_and_maintenance.html.



Thanks Jordan - nice one. I went off the first Google hit which happened to be 2.4 :slight_smile:

Cheers for your help.

The docs side is somewhat new so some pages in Google might be pointed towards older versions. Making sure the URL is set to latest will always be the latest version while setting to devel will point to the current devel version.

