keeping ansible up to date

I want to keep Ansible up to date, that is to say I want the latest stable, but not devel.
I wrote tiny script that checks which tag we are on and determines if here is a newer one for our target version (currently 1.6.x). Is this the most effective way to do this, or is there something different I can track in git to get the latest non-devel version?

yum update ansible # or other package manager command as appropriate

Thanks for your answer Michael,

The distribution is naturally behind git in terms of packaging.
When I began using Ansible they were packaging 1.5.x.
They now have 1.6.6.
I don’t have a problem managing the version using git.
I was just wondering if watching the tags is the best way to do so with git.

We maintain the PyPi package and run our own PPA now for Ubuntu, and we’re closing in touch with the Fedora folks to keep EPEL up to date.

If you want the latest version and are comfortable installing/updating from pip, it will always be up to date and useful regardless of distro.