Suggestion: version-specific documentation

One thing I find a little frustrating about the online documentation for Ansible is that there’s no way to look at the docs for a specific version. I realise that a lot of people just use the devel branch but there are those of us that stick to a specific version.

When I’m looking at the docs for a particular module it’s easy to overlook the notes specifying which version of Ansible that module or module parameter was added as they’re spread throughout the module documentation page.

I think it would be better to have separate docs per major version, like the Apache docs for example ( There could also be a “latest” version for the devel branch.

I did a bit of a search through the mailing list and found this thread from 2013 discussing the same thing but it doesn’t look like it came to fruition:!searchin/ansible-project/version$20documentation%7Csort:relevance/ansible-project/2Xi6xkyPEsY/ye418hhlYwwJ


One thing that guarantees that the docs are specific to your version
`ansible-doc` it shows the same module docs (same info is used to
render html) but uses your 'current' modules.