What does this error message mean when using a custom EE?


I followed the instructions here Ansible Execution Environments
I created the EE and runs fine with the give examples however once I add more collections and try run jobs on AWX, I get the error in the image.


Went through this exact same issue.

Solved it here


More specifically I added this

RUN alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3
 - RUN pip3 uninstall --yes ansible-runner && pip3 install ansible-runner==2.0.0a1

It is explained more fully there

Thank you. That seems to have solved my issue.

Bear in mind that pip3 install ansible-runner==2.0.0a1 is pinning to an ALPHA release and is likely to need changing in the future.

We can keep testing and changing as necessary. When the releases are stable then we can stick with that and move up accordingly.