AWX with CentOS client



I will have several CentOS5 clients for some time.

I understand that there has been a movement away from virtual envs towards execution environments. I have read that there is a minimum ansible version of 2.9 required for EE.
Seeing that CentOS 5 utilizes python 2.4, I need ansible version 2.3 to support that.

Does AWX still support python venvs?
Is it possible to build my own EE using ansible 2.3?



AWX no longer supports venvs.

Custom EEs with ansible 2.3 is unsupported/untested. You may be able to get it work properly, but it will depend on whether ansible-runner can work in that environment (with python2.4).

AWX Team


Currently we use AWX 17 with several venvs. We are going to upgrade to the latest version. What would happen now to our venvs? Should we migrate them to use the Execution Environment?


Should we migrate them to use the Execution Environment?

Yes that is the recommended way! see more here

AWX Team