VMware Inventory - hostname contains VM name + UUID

Hi everyone,

I am using AWX vCenter plugin to get list of hosts in vCenter, and I am facing two issues:
1- it takes like 7 hours to complete the Sync
2- The hostname is: VM NAME + UUID and it is not flying for me because it is almost impossible to predict what UUID can be so I have always to define the hosts with * in the playbook: vm_hostname*

In addition I can’t use Keberos directly to connect to the VM because the name of the host in inventory doesn’t match FQDN.

Can I change the naming convention for hosts in vCenter inventory so it contains only the VM name only ?

If anyone can give me a hint about the speed also, so it will be great :slight_smile:


Hey Samer,

Not sure about why your jobs are taking so long to sync so I can’t help there. As far as your second question goes though, u will want to update your VMware source sync job to have a source variable with something like

alias_pattern: “{{ config.name }}”

Also, because I only care about the Linux environment, and the servers that are powered on in VMware, I added some host filters

host_filters: “{{ guest.guestfamily == ‘linuxGuest’ and runtime.powerstate == ‘poweredOn’}}”
