Community.general.xen_orchestra creates hosts with UUIDs instead of Hostnames

By default the inventory plugin for Xen Orchestra (community.general.xen_orchestra inventory – Xen Orchestra inventory source — Ansible Community Documentation) creates hosts from the Xen clusters using their UUID as the Host ID within AWX.

Obviously this makes it very difficult for setting host limits in job templates as with UUID’s there is no pattern that can be set to target explicit hosts.

Is there anyway to get AWX to use host/vm names when it creates the inventory?
Or is there some other way to better control how to target jobs/plays?

This is the JSON for a host that gets created:

  "ansible_host": "",
  "cpus": 2,
  "has_ip": true,
  "ip": "",
  "is_managed": true,
  "memory": 4294967296,
  "name_label": "",
  "os_version": {
    "distro": "almalinux",
    "major": "9",
    "minor": "5",
    "name": "AlmaLinux release 9.5 (Teal Serval)",
    "uname": "5.14.0-503.22.1.el9_5.x86_64"
  "power_state": "running",
  "tags": [
  "type": "VM",
  "uuid": "a6bfda48-22f3-ef1f-20db-2a454292dc6d"

Hi @rtoms

I suggest you take this to the XCP-ng/Xen Orchestra forums:

Their devs usually hang there so you can get in touch with them quickly.

Thanks I’ll check that out