Using Ansible 2.15 and Python 3.9 with AWX 17.1.0 for Specific Playbooks

Using Ansible 2.15 and Python 3.9 with AWX 17.1.0 for Specific Playbooks

Hi everyone! I’m using AWX version 17.1.0 with Ansible 2.9.18.

I need to run some playbooks that require Ansible 2.15, Python 3.9, pynautobot (2.5.0), and the networktocode.nautobot collection (5.7.0). However, most of the existing playbooks are not compatible with these newer versions.

I am aware of Execution Environments in Ansible Tower, but I’m not sure if they are available in AWX 17.1.0. Does anyone have suggestions on how to configure AWX to use different versions of Ansible and Python only for the Nautobot playbook I’m developing?

The problem is that out team upgraded the nautobot istance and now my playbook are getting this error:

In another istance that i have ansible tower i successfully upgraded python and ansible version and now it’s working, but in my awx i have that problem, and i don’t know how to use another version of python and ansible without have impact to the other older playbooks

Thanks in advance !