Choose ansible version with AWX


I’m quite confused about the best Ansible version to use in my environment.

I would like to use Ansible Community and AWX togheter. Ansible Community in order to develop, AWX for running many developed playbooks and collections.

For develop scope I like Ansible Community 9.x, based on ansible-core version 2.16.

AWX clients run the playbooks developed with Ansible Community 9. AWX 24.6 by default adopts ansible-core 2.15.

Finally, from november 2024, Ansible Community 9.x reaches EOL.

I can’t upgrade to ansible-core 2.17 (shipped with Ansible Community 10.x) for many reasons. Jeff Geerling reports them here.

So if I have to manage OS family like EL8, EL7 I suppose I have to stay with Ansible Community 9.

I would appreciate some hints about AWX, I’m a bit confused. I would like to point out that I’m new to AWX. I read somewhere that with execution environments maybe I can change the ansible-core version. Is it advisable to align the AWX ansible-core version with the ansible-core version of Ansible Community 9.x?

Really I see that the porting from ansible-core 2.15 to 2.16 seems to be very light. So I wonder if I can develop with Ansible 9.x and then run the playbooks using AWX 24.6 as is safely.

I hope to have explained well, there are many “ansible” products and version :sweat_smile:
Thank you very much for every hints about this argument.
Kind Regards

Hi Marco,

There is no fix dependency between the Ansible and AWX version. You can use or build different EEs (execution environments) and use them in AWX, no matter which version. I use Ansible 2.17 for newer OS systems and 2.16 for RHEL8.

If you build your own EE (with ansible-builder) you can stick to the ansible-core lifecycle and update the community collections individually.


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