Unmaintained collection: vyos.vyos

There has been a deprecation announcement in The Bullhorn #123 for the vyos.vyos collection. It says there won’t be any more major releases, but I don’t see any minor or even bugfix release either for quite some time.

There is no information about deprecation neither in the repo nor on galaxy. However, I suggest to remove it ASAP. That is in the Ansible Community Package 11.


I have created a Removal from Ansible Community Package issue in the repository. It’s loosely based on the text that I use for the Identifying and removing an unmaintained collection process. But since they did announce the removal in The Bullhorn but nowhere else, this doesn’t really fit and I’ve improvised a bit.

I have created a Removal from Ansible Community Package issue in the repository.

vyos con dios

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FYI someone from VyOS answered my issue. Not sure if this will lead to anything, though.

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Hello @mariolenz! I’m from the Ansible Network team, that maintains the vyos.vyos collection. This collection was deprecated in December, 2023 and will reach end-of-life on December, 2025. During this period, we will only be doing patch releases for this collection if a critical bug or security vulnerability has been reported.

We will continue to run ansible-test in CI for ansible-core<=2.17, >=2.15 and as such compatibility with ansible-core versions >2.17 will not be guaranteed.

I have opened a PR that fixes the sanity failure with >=stable-2.16 and also an update to the README mentioning all the above. (Apologies to the Community for not doing that along with the Bullhorn announcement.)

Please let me know if the above points would qualify this collection to continue being included in the Ansible Community Package.

Thank you!

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Maybe it’s easier to discuss this in Several collections have been deprecated by the Ansible Network team.


Remove frr.frr and openvswitch.openvswitch

Let’s move the discussion about vyos.vyos back here.

Ansible Engineering and the VyOS team have just met.
The VyOS Team will be become the maintainers of the vyos.vyos collection.
We’ve got a few things to tidy up (including removing the deprecation notice) then we will release a new version of the collection.

The collection WILL be staying in the ansible community package.

Cool! I’ll tick it off in Possibly unmaintained collections in Ansible 10 once there’s a new release. Don’t hesitate to ping me in case I overlook it.

BTW since the deprecation has been announced on Bullhorn, it would be great if someone would also announce there that the VyOS team took over and the collection is maintained again / not deprecated anymore.

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BTW since the deprecation has been announced on Bullhorn, it would be great if someone would also announce there that the VyOS team took over and the collection is maintained again / not deprecated anymore.

Good idea, I’ve done this.


FYI - This PR makes all necessary updates for vyos.vyos to remain in the Ansible community package:

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