This week in Ansible Community
Issue #119, 2023-10-07 (Past Issues)
Welcome to The Bullhorn, our newsletter for the Ansible Community. If you have any questions or content you’d like to share, you’re welcome to chat with us in the Ansible Social room on Matrix, and mention newsbot
to have your news item tagged for review for the next issue!
cybette shared
- 2023-10-09: ETA for Ansible-Core 2.13.13, 2.14.11 & 2.15.5
- 2023-10-10: ETA for Ansible 8.5.0 release
- 2023-10-10: DaWGs meeting, 15:00 UTC
- 2023-10-10: AWX Community Meeting, 15:00 UTC
- 2023-10-11: Community WG meeting, 18:00 UTC
- 2023-10-17: DaWGs meeting, 15:00 UTC
- 2023-10-18: Community WG meeting, 18:00 UTC
- 2023-10-19: Bullhorn #120 content deadline, 18:00 UTC
- 2023-10-19: Ansible Contributor Summit 2023.10
cybette said
The Bullhorn editor (yours truly) will be taking some time off this month, and the next 2 issues will be published fortnightly instead of weekly. Issue #120 can be expected on Oct 21, and issue #121 will follow on Nov 3, after which weekly releases will resume.
andersson007_ contributed
Execution environments documentation update
Try Ansible Execution Environments to solve software dependencies, portability, and content separation issues and gain from other benefits of containerization!
The Getting started with Execution Environments guide is now available for you! Many thanks to everyone involved!
The guide shows the power of Ansible control nodes built and run using container technology. It concisely covers the following topics:
- Introduction to execution environments (technology overview, values it brings)
- Setting up your environment
- Building a simple execution environment
- Running your execution environment
- Running community execution environments
Please try it out and help improve community experience by sharing your feedback on the Forum, on Matrix in the Community room and/or open an issue/pull request in the ansible-documentation repository!
The community Execution Environment images availability
The community execution environment container images are now available!
They are based on a latest Fedora image and get updated regularly.
There are two editions available at the moment:
: includes onlyansible-core
: containsansible-core
and the following collections:
If you want to include other collections or collections of different versions, just build you own custom execution environment.
Unfamiliar with the technology?
Take a look at the Getting started with Execution Environments guide!
How to use the images
The images are available as:<TAG><TAG>
Try them out in a few easy steps using the new Running Ansible with the community EE image guide.
Your feedback is invaluable! Share your ideas or ask for help on the Forum!
andersson007_ shared
version 2.15.4-2 andcommunity-ee-base
version 2.15.4-3 execution environment images have been published. They contain necessary system packages missed in the original releases.Please update your ansible-navigator or AWX/Controller configuration if it uses the images.
Unfamiliar with the technology? See the Getting started with EE guide which contains the Running Ansible with the community EE image manual.
cybette said
Ansible Contributor Summit 2023.10
Join us at Ansible Contributor Summit on October 19, where participants will be able to attend both in-person (in Durham, NC, USA) and online. Please take a look at this forum topic for details on registration, covid-19 policy, how to join online, and more!
Tooling for building the Ansible
package and collection documentation.
Felix Fontein shared
antsibull-docs 2.5.0 has been released to support the new Ansible Galaxy codebase. The default collection URL template has been changed from{namespace}/{name}
. The old URLs will provide a 404 page which searches for collections and roles of the provided name, while the new URLs directly send the user to the collection’s page.
The Ansible
package includes ansible-core
and is a batteries-included package that provides a curated set of Ansible collections. See the Ansible roadmaps for future release plans.
samccann contributed
You can install it by running the following command or download the release tarball directly from pypi:
$ python3 -m pip install ansible==9.0.0a2 --user
Check Ansible 9 Porting Guide for more details!
Join the new Ansible Community Forum to follow along and participate in all the release-related discussions and announcements. Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and concerns in there. Register here to join us!
The ansible-core
package contains the base engine and a small subset of modules and plugins. To see what’s planned for the next release, look at the ansible-core
cybette contributed
New release beta: ansible-core 2.16.0b2
andersson007_ shared
Execution Environments Crew
We are happy to announce that the Execution Environments Crew forum group has been created and new members are very welcome!
The initial goal of the group is to help answer technology-related questions and share insights. See the group description for details.
Please join us and help move things forward!
AWX Project 
AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. Join the AWX discussion in the Ansible Community Forum.
gundalow shared
AWX Google Group moving to the Ansible Community Forum
Hi folks,
As you may have heard, Ansible has a new forum and we think that’s a better way to conduct our discussions. It gives better tooling to manage help requests and discussions, connects with the wider Ansible community, and gives more recognition to those supporting others. In terms of asynchronous discussions, and when viewed through the changing demographics of how people interact with projects (already the forum has had significantly more traffic than our lists), it’s just a better way for us to go.
So, we need to transition away from the Google Group mailing list, because splitting the community isn’t helpful either. We’re not going to do that overnight, though, so here’s the plan:
- today, we’re doing the initial announcement
- in ~2 weeks time, we’ll enforce using the forum for new posts, and only deal with existing ones here
- in ~4 weeks time we’ll make this Google group read-only, and handle all support on the forum
This group won’t be deleted, so your bookmarks will still work, and at some point we’ll be able to import the list content to the forum so it’s all in one place.
You can still use email to interact with the forum too - we have a guide available here for doing that. Note that you’ll need to use the web UI or API to start a new topic, but all replies can be handled entirely by mail.
You can register your account here if you haven’t already and there is a dedicated link for creating a new AWX issue. If you have any questions, please reply here, ask in Matrix, or ask in the forum help category.
In Summary
- Signup for the Forum
- If you prefer email, enable that
- Follow the AWX tag
If you aren’t aware, we also have an AWX YouTube channel.
gundalow said
AWX Community Meeting 2023-09-12
Recording: YouTube
- @elibogomolnyi The EKS reconnect support AWX jobs can’t tolerate the EKS scale out & possible fix.
- @elibogomolnyi The AWX project updates issue The project update is triggered every time, when the job template changes the source control branch
- @sean-m-sullivan Show related associations in OPTIONS for attach-detach
- @relrod AWX collection test in GitHub Action!
- @tvo318 The new AWX docs site, fully updated and ready for your contributions! docsite code live on
- @TheRealHaoLiu Ansible Community Forum update
- @fosterseth Release of hop node feature.
- @fosterseth Ability to allow inbound connection to AWX receptor mesh on Kubernetes
- @relrod Ansible Community Day - Berlin and @TheRealHaoLiu Ansible Community Summit in Durham
- Spuds Award! (ft. @elibogomolnyi)
gundalow shared
AWX Community Office Hour August 2023
Recording: YouTube
- @GwmngilfenTalk about move to
- @elibogomolnyi @TheRealHaoLiu @jbradberryDB migration timeout due to django4 upgrade AWX DB migration gets in loop and upgrade never ends and potential solution Modify main/0185 to set aside the json fields that might be a problem
- awx-operator documentation change @rooftopcellist
- Upcoming upgrade from Python3.9 to Python3.11
- Upcoming upgrade to Postgres 15 as default
- Call to action: help review/test hop node feature
- Announcement: Change in release cadence from 3 weeks to 2 weeks
Thib contributed
I want my services to be sturdy, cheap & easy to maintain. I want very few moving parts, and I treat the hardware as disposable and unreliable.
Thanks to Ansible, Podman and systemd: My server can burn, my services will run.
samccann contributed
Hacktoberfest has been going on since October 1st and the Ansible projects are participating. See the list of open Hacktoberfest issues and join the fun!
gundalow said
AWX Community Meeting - Oct 2023
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct 10th, 2023 at 1500 UTC
Google Meet
Via Phone PIN: 842522378 Guide
This meeting is held once a month, on the second Tuesday of the month, at 1500 UTCProposed topics
- @tvo318 hacktoberfest call to action
- @fosterseth null value in column “ip_address” of relation “main_instance” violates not-null constraint
- @fosterseth Hop Node
- @AlanCoding Fix bug that prevented dispatcher exit with downed DB
- @thedoubl3j Galaxy NG updates
- Reminder DjangoCon & Ansible Contributor Summit
- Red Hat Summit & AnsibleFest CFP now open
- Google Groups Mailing List Deprecation, moving to Ansible Community Forum
Got an idea for a topic, add it here.
cybette said
Ansible Buenos Aires will be having a meetup on Wednesday, Oct 11, to discuss Event-Driven Ansible, el Foro de la comunidad y Galaxy NG! Check out the details and RSVP.
cybette shared
Join Colorado Automates in their meetup on Wednesday, Oct 18, with 2 presenters discussing how Ansible is speeding up their organization and partner organizations along with networking mixed in. Details and RSVP.
cybette contributed
This month in Ansible Atlanta meetup on Oct 26 (Thursday), Jeremiah Buckley is going to talk about Ansible Execution Environments. Find out more and RSVP.
Have any questions you’d like to ask, or issues you’d like to see covered? Please ask in! See you next time!