[SOLVED] Missing rights to create namespace


From the documentation it should be possible to create namespace but I don’t have any “Create” button.

I would like to create a namespace for my Github Orgnization for all the employees and not directly on my account.

Documentation :

Collection namespaces typically contain information about the publisher of a specific collection. To view the namespaces in the system, navigate to the namespaces page under Collections > Namespaces in the navigation menu. From here you can view the namespaces that you have access to manage under “My namespaces”, as well as all of the namespaces under “All”.

New namespaces can be created from here. To create a namespace, click the “create” button and pick a new namespace name.

To edit a namespace, select the namespace from “My namespaces” and click the “Edit namespace” button from the kebab in the header.

Hello :wave: I’m on the same boat, looking for the creation of namespace, and this Galaxy Namespace Request helped me to find that a namespace can be requested opening an issue, here Galaxy Namespace Request.


@tonyskapunk is correct, open it there (for now) and one of the admins will get to it.

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Must have miss this post. Thanks a lot for pointing it out @tonyskapunk !

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