Release annoucment: Infra collections controller_configuration: 2.5.1 ah_configuration: 2.0.4

Hello everyone,
infra.ah_configuration 2.0.4 has been released
This release addressed bugfixes around the authentication token, and removing it from roles that used modules that did not support it. We are working on better methods of authentication collection wide in the future.

Checkout our Changelog for more information

infra.controller_configuration 2.5.1 has been released
This release addressed some issues with the license role to make it behave more expectedly and address bugs, The Dispatch role was also reworked to behave better in cases of which order to invoke the roles. This mainly involved which order to add information to the organization, and addressed an issue where a project sync may not be able to connect to galaxy/hub as those credentials hadn’t been added to the org yet.
Checkout our Changelog for more information

These Ansible collections allow for easy interaction with an AWX or Ansible Controller or Galaxy_NG or Hub, servers via Ansible roles. Check us out on the forums