Is there any real relationship between the platform values in meta/main.yml (via the default ansible-galaxy init template) and ansible_distribution values or is the platform value basically free form?
Im a bit confused in that it lists both EL and ‘opensuse’ as platform values but these would actually correspond to CentOS, RedHat Enterprise Linux, (whatever the Oracle distribution value is), and ‘openSUSE’ (as reported by the setup module).
No, the values in meta/main.yml is purely informational.
I finally got around to adding one of my roles to Galaxy, but Im encountering another oddity with regards to the meta platforms value. I had assumed that if there was no relationship between ansible_distribution and the platform values that the platform values definition would effectively be free form. Unfortunately based on the errors im getting from importing my ju2wheels.pyenv role, its ignoring a significant portion of them after throwing warnings.
Starting import 80617: role_name=pyenv repo=ju2wheels/ansible-galaxy-ju2wheels.pyenv
Accessing branch: master
Parsing and validating meta data.
Setting role name to pyenv
Parsing galaxy_tags
Parsing platforms
Invalid platform: Alpine-3.3 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Alpine-3.4 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Alpine-3.5 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Amazon-2017.03 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Debian-7 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Debian-8 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Debian-9 (skipping)
Invalid platform: CentOS-5 (skipping)
Invalid platform: CentOS-6 (skipping)
Invalid platform: CentOS-7 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Linuxmint-18 (skipping)
Invalid platform: openSUSE-13.2 (skipping)
Invalid platform: openSUSE Leap-42.1 (skipping)
Invalid platform: openSUSE Leap-42.2 (skipping)
Invalid platform: OracleLinux-5 (skipping)
Invalid platform: OracleLinux-6 (skipping)
Invalid platform: OracleLinux-7 (skipping)
Invalid platform: RedHat-5 (skipping)
Invalid platform: RedHat-6 (skipping)
Invalid platform: RedHat-7 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Scientific-5 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Scientific-6 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Scientific-7 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Ubuntu-12.04 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Ubuntu-14.04 (skipping)
Invalid platform: Ubuntu-16.04 (skipping)
Parsing and validating README
Adding repo tags as role versions
Removing old tags
Import completed
Status FAILED : warnings=0 errors=26
Is there a pre-defined set of platforms that we have to choose from? If so where do I find the list?
I gave up on that a long a time ago, their limited list is pretty much useless for describing the actual platform compatibility range so I just resorted to documenting it in my role README.