When writing Ansible roles, most users adjust the meta/main.yml file to include platforms the role is designed for - e.g. Fedora 40. In a comment molecule usually links to the URL https://galaxy.ansible.com/api/v1/platforms/ which now points to 404 as galaxy-ng is online.
Is there another list of all the supported platforms? I couldn’t find them in the ansible-galaxy or molecule documentation - what am I missing?
So keep in mind I don’t really know how any of this works. This seems to be a changing landscape and documentation hasn’t caught up with it yet.
I can find a list of platforms here, but that is for the current release of ansible-core. In the upcoming 2.17 release, that information disappears. I don’t know why or where. There is a semi-related forum topic Does galaxy-importer need its own documentation? but so far it doesn’t give a lot of details on what’s going on (or how best to let people like yourself know what’s going on).
It’s not an error yet, but I could see it being deprecated by GalaxyNG or disallowed by ansible-lint since it was an intentional decision to not implement it for GalaxyNG. I removed it from the ansible-core templates since Galaxy is the source of truth. None of the core templates ever documented the full list of options, just pointed to the Galaxy. I really liked the platforms convention for documentation of standalone roles though, just would not add this information in the galaxy_info key anymore.