Hi Guys,
let me explain my current infra.
- I created a VM in my Local Machine with Ansible & Awx installed and acting as master
- Using GCP&AWS to spin up slave machines
- Now when calling “/launch” API directly its working fine.
eg: “http://192.168.xxx.xx/api/v2/job_templates/14/launch/” - But when using Provisioning callbacks its showing error
e.g: http://192.168.xxx.xx/api/v2/job_templates/14/callback/
error: “No matching hosts could be found”
Both GCP & AWS giving the same error and same results
- The Dynamic inventory is getting updated but when running the callback API, but after that, while running the template it’s giving the above error
- In the Playbook I am mentioning to execute on localhost like
- hosts: localhost
- In the dynamic Inventory I also added my Localhost(the local machine)
- All testing is being done with Postman
I need Cloud slaves to use provisioning callbacks to ask the tower to run a job against itself and configure the servers.