AWX Tower callback - No matching host could be found but tower console is working

I have setup inventory and job template and the call back is returning “No matching host could be found” but actually the tower console I could see host listed in the inventory and even attempted synch and even I could able to run the job template successfully

could someone please help me why callback is not working but tower console is working fine.

Thank you!

Can you provide more details on what exactly you are trying to accomplish?

I need to call tower callback API when EC2 instance is getting launched/provisioned to avoid manual launch job through tower console , I use below command in unix script added in the user_data section of aws launch configuration

curl --data “host_config_key=XXXX” https://XXX443/api/v2/job_templates/XXX/callback/

even when I run above curl command from that hosted EC2 instance still its giving same error but everything is good when launching the job through tower console. Please help

same problem

are you using tower or AWX?

awx over openshift

2018-12-11 12:31:56,350 DEBUG awx.main.models.inventory Going to
update inventory computed fields
2018-12-11 12:31:56,372 DEBUG awx.main.models.inventory Finished
updating inventory computed fields
2018-12-11 12:31:56,446 DEBUG awx.main.dispatch publish
No previous hash found192.168.13.1 - - [11/Dec/2018:12:32:13 +0000]
"POST /api/v2/job_templates/21/callback/ HTTP/1.1" 400 42 "-"
"curl/7.52.1" ""
2018-12-11 12:32:13,626 WARNING awx.api.generics status 400 received
by user AnonymousUser attempting to access
/api/v2/job_templates/21/callback/ from