I have setup inventory and job template and the call back is returning “No matching host could be found” but actually the tower console I could see host listed in the inventory and even attempted synch and even I could able to run the job template successfully
could someone please help me why callback is not working but tower console is working fine.
Thank you!
Running AWX from a container, docker-compose, or Kubernetes is going to result in many layers between the Django python process and the browser.
AWX uses the remote host ip to identify the remote host during a job template callback launch so AWX knows what --limit to send to the playbook run
It will be up to you to figure out how to get the hosts “true” ip into the header you select. Note that awx will try very hard to correlate the requesting host w/ the host in the inventory for example:
Thanks for the response. could you please elaborate me and what do I need to do from my side, is there example that I can reference. Thanks