New GUI Search / filtering / sorting is severely limited to old version

I’m guessing this is lower on the priority list, seeing all the functional issues that I and others have been running into.

However, the ability to search/filter multiple terms on things like ‘author’, ‘OS’, etc. were very helpful, now it appears you only get one filter at a time, and depending on which page you’re on, you might be able to look for specific namespaces or tags.

Being able to filter by things like roles tested on Ubuntu, or on an older ansible version, were extremely helpful even if the search results are only a dozen or so, it saves us from having to look into each one - Will this one even work in my env? This one? THIS one? THIS ONE?

Being able to sort on only “Download Count” or “Created” seems naive. This is not Tik Tok, the “newest with the most views”, doesn’t mean it’s best. What happened to “Last updated” “Number of stars” “Rating”.

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Hi @chazzly

Thanks for your suggestions, and apologies for taking some days to give you an answer, we are getting on track after some weeks of focus on bug fixes, and now we are about to work on new functionality.

I posted an update for this topic here Updates to Ansible Galaxy Search Functionality