Ansible Galaxy NG lacks essential functionality

As the official announcements points out, the Ansible Galaxy NG UI is missing quite a few features. Not even listed is the inability to sort search results by download count. The lack of that sort functionality on top of the fact that it breaks links (try googling an Ansible Galaxy question and clicking a link to the official Galaxy docs) makes it pretty unusable in its current state. I would imagine the primary user story for Ansible Galaxy looks a lot like: “a user needs a role to install a piece of software on host. They open Ansible Galaxy and search for it. They sort the results by download count to find one that is widely trusted and used by the greater Ansible community.”

I’m not saying that the new UI isn’t warranted. I fully understand the need to update software with a new unified design language and/or more advanced frameworks that better fit the needs of the current use case. I use Keycloak, AWX, and galaxy near daily where I periodically toggle on the new UIs to see if they’re ready for prime time yet then turn them off when I notice they’re missing some critical feature. So I’m even excited for these new UIs, but better color pallets and more white space does not replace core functionality of the software.

I hope you really consider toggling the more functional UI back on and giving your development team a bit more time to get the new UI right. it is for now I guess…


Thanks for the feedback and for trying out new galaxy. Apologies on the frustrations you’re experiencing.

The search/sort improvements are an active priority for the team. Agreed, sorting by download count is very useful.

Broken links is a complex problem. Our current solution is to try to craft suggestions of what content we think you want to go to on the 404 page. It’s not a simple 1/1 so we can’t just auto-redirect. If you can give us some examples of broken links that you have come across, that could be helpful to us.


Thanks for the feedback

You are welcome for the feedback, and I hope it comes across as constructive, even though I’m clearly frustrated with the Galaxy NG experience and decision to force it on the Ansible community prematurely, as I’m sure many others are.

and for trying out new galaxy.

It was not my choice to try out the new galaxy. If that was the case I would have toggled the new UI off and waited a few more weeks to try it again instead of creating this post.

Broken links is a complex problem. Our current solution is to try to craft suggestions of what content we think you want to go to on the 404 page.

Can you give me an example of a link that shows that solution in practice? Every link I’ve found so far redirects to Galaxy NG, not a crafted suggestion.

It’s not a simple 1/1 so we can’t just auto-redirect

I understand that, but there are well known links such as the entire /docs/ path, which you could have redirected to at the very least the new docs home so I could search there instead of just the Galaxy NG homepage. My first re

If you can give us some examples of broken links that you have come across, that could be helpful to us.

Here is the specific link that made me aware that Red Hat had rolled out a new and improved Galaxy UI: Galaxy NG. As of 12:42PM EST 10/04 it just redirects to the Galaxy NG homepage.