Multiple galaxy-ng role namespace issues

Dear galaxy-ng Developer,

Sadly there are still multiple issues with the galaxy-ng namespaces.

Access to namespace

I still can not access all namespaces I had access to in the the old galaxy.

If I see that correctly, I should have access to these namespaces with the DO1JLR github user.

Namespace Names

Some namespaces are case sensitive like 8798 and 10239. The other not. That is weird. Is there an error or is that intended?

Opt-Out of Ansible Lightspeed.

Currently it is not possible to opt-out of Ansible Lightspeed.

Failed to opt out of Ansible Lightspeed.
Error 400 - Bad Request: The server was unable to complete your request.

Namespace selection

How can I choose which role should be uploaded to which namespace? Because currently some roles will be updated in the namespace, other in the And I think it is changing every few days which namespace will be used.

I try to set in the meta/main.yml file the values:

namespace: l3d
author: do1jlr

but it has no affect.

Is there a way to improve this behavior

Unable to access role namespace Picture

Is there a way to change the namespace picture?

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Hey @L3D first just want to apologize that you are experiencing these issues. We’re gonna do a check on all your issues specifically, as our hunch is that some may be effecting you specifically.

We do see your handle on the “has opted out of Lightspeed” list we have, so that did work, we need to investigate why you are seeing a 400 though. I just tested on my namespace and role namespace and got successful notifications.

You should be able to update the image for collection (V3) namespaces, though we are investigating some issues of that image propogating down to all content. For Role Namespaces I believe it is based on github profile.