I have been using Ansible enthusiastically for years and am a great friend of open-source and therefore also try to publish my Ansible code.
However, since the launch of galaxy-ng I still have unsolved problems when publishing my Ansible roles and need help. I will be at CfgMgmntCamp and we can discuss this IRL.
Since I was asked to make a forum post about my problems, I’ll do that now…
I am unable to opt-out of ansible-lightspeed at the ansible-archive and roles-ansible namespace. (Error 400 - : The server was unable to complete your request.)
I am unable to delete or archive any ansible role I ever published at any namespace.
I am unable to publish any role to any namespace except the roles-ansible. The ansible role I tried are all in the github.com/roles-ansible/ Github organisation.
What do I want?
I want to delete or mark all ansible roles as old/archived in all namespaces except the l3d namespace. And I want to publish all my ansible roles from the roles-ansible github organisation to the l3d namespace, but I am unable to do so.
Instead I can publish my ansible roles from the roles-ansible github organisation to the roles-ansible role namespace.
And ansible collections?
For ansible collections this is working, see Collection Namespace L3D.
That’s why I am thinking about archiving all my ansible roles and only publish ansible collections. But since I am unable to archive/delete my own ansible roles, thats not such a good idea either
I am looking forward speaking with one of you guys at CfgMgmntCamp. Maybe we can figure out a soluting when we see us in real life.