Minikube can't download images

Hello AWX-Experts,

I've already posted this in the minikube group but haven't got an answer so far. Maybe someone here at AWX can shed some light on it?

I've just installed minikube on a vSphere VM with a fresh CentOS 8 system to deploy Ansible AWX. I've followed the installation doc in, installed the docker driver as described and also kubectl.
I can start minikube and have access to the dashboard, so, I tried to deploy the first image with "kubectl create deployment hello-minikube". The container creation starts but fails with "ImagePullBackOff".
I've examined the logs and found that the command "curl -sS -m 2" failed with status 28.
But, the command works when I execute it directly at the command prompt:

awx@do-int-awx .minikube]$ curl -sS -m 2
<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<H1>302 Moved</H1>
The document has moved
<A HREF=";&gt;here&lt;/A&gt;\.

And, the two Ingress pods which are needed for AWX are also in the same state since the images can't be downloaded.
Btw., the server is a vSphere VM with direct internet access.

Thanks and have a nice hackin',


Hi Harald

This issue is not specific to AWX, so you need to follow up in the minikube group.
But, I’ve just pulled the echoserver 1.4 image in minikube just fine so it’s your config.
Are you using a proxy? If it works at the CLI, then do you have ENV vars set so you can use the proxy?
Something is blocking your downloads, so concentrate on that end.


I didn't read about your problem, but for your test with curl and the return code 302, you should use curl -L