I like the idea of consuming Ansible in a ready-made Docker image. So when I found https://quay.io/repository/ansible/awx, I did a:
docker pull quay.io/ansible/awx
on my SLES system. But when I tried to run the image, I saw:
ldpdd040:~ # docker run quay.io/ansible/awx
Usage: dumb-init [option] program [args]
Try dumb-init --help for full usage.
ldpdd040:~ #
https://github.com/ansible/awx/issues/12426 mentions, “The image you mentioned is the official image, but it’s not designed to run directly and separately using docker run. Typically it shoud be used with Kubernetes, OpenShift, or Docker Compose.” This comment also mentions, “Refer the official installation guide: https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/INSTALL.md”. I did, but didn’t find any information on how to use this pre-made AWX Docker image.
Help, please. Thanks!