Hello Group,
I’m wondering if there are any clear instructions on how to install AWX on minikube in offline mode, i.e. without an internet access.
I’m sure, having a list of all images, it’s possible to perform an installation, someone must have built something like that before… Any thoughts?
We are so very sorry, but at this time we do not have any official documentation regarding this. If you do a Google search you may be able to find ways people have successfully accomplished this within their own environments. This has come up on the mailing list before, please see if this thread is helpful: https://groups.google.com/g/awx-project/c/BEEtyljkTJc/m/gFak_u2wAgAJ
-AWX Team
There might not be a way for minikube but for systems like k3s which allow you to install the image as a tar.gz in a manifest directory which kubernetes will then import this could be a solution.
Thank you once again for your comments.
I sent a complete reply last Fridays with steps I’ve performed in order to get AWX working, but still don’t see a copy of that reply here… I start wondering if I pressed a “delete” button instead of a “Post Message”… IF this reply shows in the conversation, I will re-write my steps once again.