/etc/ntp.conf settings...?

I haven’t figured (yet) how to search the forum if this has been answered (must have been; this is a common file).
Is there a common playbook or module for setting NTP settings?


Figured out how to search.
Still, if someone has a playbook already (working with both CentOS and Ubuntu distributions of GNU/Linux).


I’ve not added anything, personally, but you could try searching Galaxy too Mike (see eg below):

[root@]# ansible-galaxy search ntp

Found 353 roles matching your search:

Name Description

1mr.ntp Install and configure SSSD

5KYDEV0P5.common Common Utilities and package installation for Linux

adarnimrod.ntp-client Provision an NTP client

adfinis-sygroup.ntp Install and manage ntp

AdrienKuhn.base Ensure basic requirements are met

aishee.ansible_redhat_centos_7 Apply RHEL 7 CIS Baseline

alban.andrieu.mon Install and configure Mon service

AlberTajuelo.kerberos-server Create a Kerberos Server fast and easy.

aldenso.solariscommon Solaris common services configuration

alenstimec.dynamic-ntp-dns Configures resolv.conf and ntp.conf based on the client/server IP address

alikins.ntp NTP installation and configuration for Linux.

allen12921.common common role for fresh centos6,7 server configurationi:enable ntp,set timezone to UTC,install zabbix client,disable selinux and firewalld

alvaroaleman.freeipa-client A role to join clients to an IPA domain

alvistack.ntp Ansible Role for NTP Management

amtega.ntp Configure NTP

andrewrothstein.ntp install/configure the NTP daemon

andyceo.ntp Install ntpd deamon and allow to configure it.

antoniobarbaro.ntp Configure ntpd service

ANXS.ntp install and configure ntp

Aplyca.Essentials Essentials for Debian/Ubuntu.

arc-ts.ntp Installs and manages NTP

arillso.ntp Ansible role for installing NTP on Linux and Windows.

atb00ker.ansible_openwisp2 Official role to install and upgrade openwisp2 controller

atlantean.freeipa_server Role to install FreeIPA Server on RHEL|CentOS

azavea.ntp An Ansible role for installing NTP.

azmodude.timezone Set timezone and optionally enable NTP on a host.

bbrfkr.openstack_common execute OpenStack common settings

bc-interactive.ansible-role-ntp NTP install

bencromwell.ansible_role_dhcp Ansible role for setting up ISC DHCPD.

bennojoy.ntp ansible role ntp

bernhardf1.ansible_openwisp2 Official role to install and upgrade openwisp2 controller

bertvv.dhcp Ansible role for setting up ISC DHCPD.

bitfinity-nl.samba4-ad-member Join Ubuntu as a member server to Active Directory

blazingbarons.ntp Ansible NTP Role

blofeldthefish.ansible-role-dhcp Ansible role for setting up ISC DHCPD.

bmcclure.time Manages timezone and ntp service on Archlinux

borkenpipe.ansible_homegw_dnsmasq Setup the dnsmasq package on Debian and Ubuntu.

borkenpipe.ansible_tftpserver Builds out a fully functional PXE/TFTP Server for OS deployments… (Ubuntu included using Netboot) Pre-Seed file template included and ESXi scripted install ready.

brodriguesneto.ansible_chrony An Ansible role that installs and configures Chrony service on Linux sets Timezone

cambid.ntp This role enables users to install and configure ntp on their hosts.

CarlosLongarela.ntp Ntp install and basic configuration.

cavirin_git.rhel7_cis_role Apply RHEL 7 CIS Baseline

cavirin_git.ubuntu1604_cis_role Ansible role to apply Ubuntu 16.04 CIS Baseline

cavirin_git.ubuntu1804_cis Ansible role to apply Ubuntu 18.04 CIS Baseline

cecepm.ntp Set timezone and configure ntp time synchoronization

ceph.ceph_infra Handles ceph infra requirements (ntp, firewall, …)

china-awifi.playbooks Ansible playbook collection that have been written for Ubuntu. Some of the playbooks are Elasticsearch, Mesos, AWS, MySql, Sensu, Nginx etc…

chusiang.chrony Setup the chrony in everyway








Thank you. I’m new to this system.
